
This is the 468th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "ind" means "Indra," the god of rain and thunderstorms in Hindu mythology.

Here, 'अंत' (ind) means 'end' and is used to denote the conclusion of an event or period.

आपने खेल के अंत में अच्छा प्रयास किया।

You made a good effort at the end of the game.

In this sentence, 'अंत' (ind) signifies the termination or closure point of a narrative or sequence.

हर कहानी का एक अंत होता है।

Every story has an end.

The word 'अंत' (ind) is used here to refer to the act of concluding or terminating something, such as a journey.

उन्होंने अपनी यात्रा का अंत जल्दी कर दिया।

They ended their journey early.