
This is the 409th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "ipo" does not have a meaning as it is likely an acronym or borrowed term; in finance, IPO refers to "Initial Public Offering."

In this sentence, 'आईपीओ' refers to the term Initial Public Offering, a financial term.

सरकार ने सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की कंपनी का आईपीओ जारी किया।

The government issued an IPO for the public sector company.

Here, 'आईपीओ' is used to indicate a new stock issuance available for public purchase.

मैंने शेयर बाज़ार में एक नए आईपीओ में निवेश किया है।

I have invested in a new IPO in the stock market.

In this context, 'आईपीओ' encompasses the comprehensive agreement and process related to the Initial Public Offering.

आईपीओ में शामिल शर्तें और नियम मुझे समझने होंगे।

I will need to understand the terms and conditions involved in the IPO.