
This is the 469th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "लेटेस्ट" (latest) means "most recent" or "newest."

In this sentence, 'latest' is used as an adjective to describe the newest version of the device model.

यह मेरे पास डिवाइस का लेटेस्ट मॉडल है।

This is the latest model of the device I have.

Here, 'latest' is used to refer to the most recent work or production, pointing out the most recent timeframe.

मैंने उनकी लेटेस्ट फिल्म दो दिन पहले देखी।

I watched their latest movie two days ago.

In this context, 'latest' represents the most recent or up-to-date information regarding the technology.

हमारे पास इस तकनीक के लेटेस्ट विवरण जल्द ही उपलब्ध होंगे।

We will soon have the latest details of this technology available.