
This is the 730th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "nua" does not have a direct meaning in standard Hindi; it might be a regional word or misspelling.

The word 'नई' (nua/nayee) is used to describe that the book is new, i.e., recently obtained or published, demonstrating its use as an adjective to indicate novelty.

यह मेरी नई किताब है।

This is my new book.

The word 'नया' (nua/naya) is used to describe being the newest or the most recently added member, showing its usage in a relative sense.

वह परिवार में सबसे नया है।

He is the youngest in the family.

Here, 'नया' (nua/naya) refers to a novel or unfamiliar experience, illustrating its application to describe uniqueness or novelty in scenarios.

मैंने नया अनुभव किया।

I experienced something new.