
This is the 753rd most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word for "snapdragon" is “मौसमी फूलों का पौधा” (a seasonal flowering plant).

Here, 'snapdragon' refers to the name of a flowering plant, highlighting its aesthetic and botanical context.

मेरे बगीचे में स्नैपड्रैगन फूल खिले हुए हैं।

Snapdragon flowers are blooming in my garden.

In this sentence, 'snapdragon' is used in a scientific or descriptive context, emphasizing its physical structure.

उसने एक स्नैपड्रैगन के पौधे की अद्वितीय संरचना पर चर्चा की।

He discussed the unique structure of a snapdragon plant.

This reflects the playful and interactive use of 'snapdragon', focusing on its characteristic flower mechanism resembling a mouth.

बच्चों ने स्नैपड्रैगन को देखकर उसके मुहाने को हिलाया।

The children moved the snapdragon's mouth upon seeing it.