
This is the 564th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "ui" is not recognized as a standard word. It might be a typographical error or transliteration issue.

Here, 'उई' is used as an exclamation of sudden fear or surprise.

जब उसने देखा कि वह पानी में गिरने वाली थी, तो उसने 'उई!' कहा।

When she saw that she was about to fall into the water, she said 'Ui!'.

In this context, 'उई' indicates exclamation stemming from admiration or amazement.

उसका गाना सुनकर लोग 'उई!' कर उठे।

Hearing her song, people exclaimed 'Ui!' in admiration.

In this sentence, 'उई' represents an expression of excitement or astonishment.

वह कक्षा में सबसे ऊँचा स्थान प्राप्त कर उई।

She achieved the top position in class and exclaimed in excitement.