
This is the 127th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "अक" refers to the "Calotropis" plant, also known as "crown flower" or "milkweed."

Here, "अक" depicts sincerity or thoroughness in character.

अक विचारशील व्यक्ति समाज का आदर्श होता है।

A thoughtful person is an ideal in society.

Here, "अक" acts as an emphasis on regularity or punctuality.

अक समय पर आना चाहिए।

One should arrive on time.

In this usage, "अक" is used to describe consistent or upright qualities.

उसका अक व्यवहार सदैव प्रशंसनीय रहा है।

His honest behavior has always been commendable.