
This is the 484th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "आईफ" does not have a widely recognized meaning in standard Hindi. It might be a transliteration error or require more context.

Usage: Here, 'आईफ' refers to a specific platform or medium, like a streaming service.

क्या तुमने आईफ पर नई मूवी देखी?

Did you watch the new movie on IF?

Usage: Here, 'आईफ' signifies a theoretical or hypothetical framework or clause.

आईफ से संबंधित सभी नियम पढ़ लो।

Read all the rules related to IF.

Usage: In this case, 'आईफ' is used to denote a hypothetical condition or situation.

अगर आईफ होता, तो मैं सफलता प्राप्त करता।

If IF happened, I would achieve success.