
This is the 284th most frequent Hindi word.

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The word "आवश" does not have a clear meaning in Hindi as it may be a misspelling or incomplete term.

The word 'आवशता' here indicates 'necessity' or 'requirement' and is used to express something being necessary.

यह कार्य आवशता से अधिक समय ले रहा है।

This task is taking more time than necessary.

'आवश' in 'आवश समय' implies 'necessary' as a qualifier for the amount of time mentioned.

विद्यार्थी को प्रतिदिन पढ़ाई के लिए आवश समय देना चाहिए।

A student should dedicate necessary time for studying every day.

The word 'आवश' is used to convey something becoming essential or obligatory under particular circumstances.

सूरज के उगने के बाद बगीचे में पानी देना आवश हो जाता है।

Watering the garden becomes necessary after the sun rises.