
This is the 803rd most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "इकट" is not standard or common; it might be a misspelling or a colloquial variation. Can you confirm or provide more context?

The word 'इकट' denotes 'together' here, showing togetherness in play.

पार्क में बच्चे इकट खेल रहे थे।

The children were playing together in the park.

The word 'इकट' in this case refers to 'gathering' or 'collecting' items.

हमने सभी कागज इकट इकठे कर दिए।

We gathered all the papers together.

The word 'इकट' reflects 'collective' here, signifying an activity involving a group.

इस इकट समारोह में हर कोई खुश दिख रहा था।

Everyone looked happy in this collective gathering.