
This is the 804th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "इजर" does not have a commonly recognized meaning; it might be a misspelling or require context.

Here, 'इजर' is used as a proper noun, perhaps referring to a person or entity.

इजर ने आज एक अलग योजना बनाई।

Ijar made a different plan today.

In this context, 'इजर' is used to indicate possession, meaning the books belonging to Ijar.

इजर की किताबें कहीं रख दी गई हैं।

Ijar's books have been placed somewhere.

Here, 'इजर' is used as the subject of the sentence, indicating a person who is expected to arrive.

क्या इजर यहाँ आएगा?

Will Ijar come here?