
This is the 585th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "इनस" does not have a clear or standard meaning and could be a misspelling or abbreviation. Please provide additional context.

Here, 'इनस' is used to refer to a specific person, functioning as a noun.

इनस के हाथ में किताब है।

This person has a book in their hand.

In this case, 'इनस' is used to denote a particular individual with whom interaction is necessary.

इनस से बात करना अत्यंत आवश्यक है।

It is very important to talk to this person.

Here, 'इनस' refers to someone's involvement or effort, used as a pronoun to signify humanity in general.

इनस का योगदान सराहनीय है।

This person's contribution is commendable.