
This is the 587th most frequent Hindi word.

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The word "इसल" does not appear to have a direct or standard meaning in Hindi. It might be a typo or a misheard word.

In this sentence, 'इसल' indicates a reasoning or consequence relationship between two statements.

वह परीक्षा में सफल नहीं हुआ, इसल मैंने उसे सहयोग दिया।

He did not succeed in the exam, so I provided him assistance.

Here, 'इसल' provides a reasoning for the subsequent action, emphasizing cause and effect.

इसल ही मैंने आपको बुलाया, क्योंकि समस्या जटिल थी।

That's why I called you, because the issue was complex.

In this usage, 'इसल' connects an action to the desired result, focusing on purpose or intention.

ध्यान से सुनो, इसल तुम्हें अच्छी तरह से समझ आए।

Listen carefully so that you understand well.