
This is the 834th most frequent Hindi word.

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"एसएचओ" (SHO) stands for Station House Officer, the officer in charge of a police station in India.

Here, 'एसएचओ' is used as a proper noun referring to the position of Station House Officer.

एसएचओ ने घटना स्थल का दौरा किया।

The SHO visited the crime scene.

Here, 'एसएचओ' is used to refer to an official authority responsible for law and order in the area.

लोकल मार्केट के लोग एसएचओ से सुरक्षा प्रदान करने की मांग कर रहे हैं।

Local market people are demanding security from the SHO.

Here, 'एसएचओ' is exemplified as a person sharing information to the media in their official capacity.

एसएचओ ने प्रेस को बताया कि वे मामले को सुलझाने के लिए कई कदम उठा रहे हैं।

The SHO informed the press that they are taking several steps to resolve the case.