
This is the 342nd most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "ऑड" (ऑड) translates to "odd" in English, meaning unusual or not even.

Here, the word 'ऑड' is used to indicate 'odd' as in numerically odd, referring to the odd-numbered pages in a sequence.

यह किताब ऑड पेज पर है।

This book is on the odd page.

In this instance, 'ऑड' indicates something unusual or not in the norm, describing the apparel as looking strange or unconventional.

तुम्हारा पहनावा आज ऑड लग रहा है।

Your attire looks odd today.

Here, 'ऑड' denotes unusual or unconventional hours, meaning times that are not regular or typical.

वह कभी-कभी ऑड घंटे में पढ़ाई करता है।

He sometimes studies at odd hours.