
This is the 839th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "औपच" does not have a direct meaning. It may be incomplete or misspelled.

The word 'औपचरिकता' refers to a formality or a conventional procedure.

यह बैठक केवल औपचरिकता के लिए आयोजित की गई थी।

This meeting was organized only as a formality.

The word 'औपचरिक' pertains to something formal or ceremonial, like attire.

औपचरिक पोशाक में वह बहुत प्रभावी दिखते हैं।

They look very impressive in formal attire.

Here, 'औपचरिक' relates to adhering to formal procedures or contexts.

सामाजिक संगोष्ठी में औपचरिक प्रसंग का पालन किया गया।

The formal context was adhered to in the social seminar.