
This is the 153rd most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "खड" (khaḍ) generally refers to **a ravine, gully, or small water stream**.

Here, 'खड' means a small stream or rivulet, showcasing its geographical usage.

गाँव के पास एक खड बहती है।

A rivulet flows near the village.

Here, 'खड' refers to litharge, demonstrating its usage as a reference to a chemical compound.

पुरानी किताब में खड के उपयोग के बारे में पढ़ा।

I read about the use of litharge in an old book.

Here, 'खड' is used as part of 'खड होकर', meaning 'standing', showing the action of being upright.

रोहित खेतों में खड होकर मुर्गियों को देख रहा था।

Rohit was standing in the fields watching the chickens.