
This is the 428th most frequent Hindi word.


Formation or structure.

In this sentence, 'गठन' refers to the arrangement or organization of components.

वाक्यों के सही गठन से भाषा की स्पष्टता बढ़ती है।

The correct structuring of sentences enhances language clarity.

Here, 'गठन' is used in the sense of formulation or drafting an idea or concept.

नई योजना के गठन से हमारी कंपनी को फायदा होगा।

The formulation of the new plan will benefit our company.

Here, 'गठन' is used to mean the creation or establishment of something.

भारत में अनेक राज्यों के गठन ने विविधता को बढ़ावा दिया।

The formation of many states in India has promoted diversity.