
This is the 880th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "तलव" does not have a clear meaning on its own and may be a typographical error or require context. Please check the spelling or provide context.

Here, 'तलव' refers to 'base or foundation' in the context of a location.

पुलिस ने तलव में नया प्रमाण खोजा।

The police found new evidence at the base.

In this sentence, 'तलव' represents 'bottom' being metaphorical in use.

संघर्ष के तलव पर उन्होंने हाथ लगाया।

He touched the bottom of the struggle.

In this context, 'तलव' is used to denote 'sole' as in the underside of the foot.

उनके पैर का तलव धूप में जल गया।

The sole of his foot got burned in the sun.