
This is the 514th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "दफ" refers to a "tambourine" or a single-headed drum-like musical instrument.

Here, 'दफ' is used in combination with 'दफे', which means 'time' or 'instance' in this context.

इस दफे मैं जल्दी आऊँगा।

This time, I will come early.

In this sentence, 'दफे' refers to 'time' or 'attempt' and indicates the occurrence or instance.

उसने पहली दफे ही सही उत्तर दिया।

He answered correctly on the first try itself.

Here, 'दफ' refers to an 'inning' or a 'turn', as it relates to a section or phase of an event.

खेल का पहला दफ बड़ी रोमांचक था।

The first inning of the game was very thrilling.