
This is the 81st most frequent Hindi word.

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"नई" means "new" in English.

The word 'नई' means 'new' here and is used as an adjective describing the noun 'किताब' (book).

मेरे पास एक नई किताब है।

I have a new book.

'नई' is describing 'नौकरी' (job) here, indicating that the job is new.

मैंने नई नौकरी शुरू की है।

I have started a new job.

In this sentence, 'नई' describes the noun 'दुकान' (shop), signifying that the shop is recently established.

हमारे पड़ोस में एक नई दुकान खुली है।

A new shop has opened in our neighborhood.