
This is the 900th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "परफ" does not have a standalone meaning; it may be a transliteration or typo.

Here, 'परफॉर्म' indicates performing or executing an action in a certain manner, especially in a competitive or evaluated setting.

हमारी टीम ने खेल में परफॉर्म अच्छा किया।

Our team performed well in the game.

In this sentence, 'परफार्मेंस' refers to the act of presenting a skill or art to an audience, typically in a stage or artistic context.

उस गायक के परफार्मेंस ने सबको मंत्रमुग्ध कर दिया।

That singer's performance captivated everyone.

The term 'परफेक्शन' in this context means doing something with completeness and accuracy, emphasizing quality and detail.

आपको इस प्रोजेक्ट पर परफेक्शन के साथ काम करना होगा।

You need to work on this project with perfection.