
This is the 57th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "बड" does not have a direct meaning; it may be a typo or misspelling. Did you mean "बड़" (big) or something else?

The word 'बड़' here refers to the 'banyan tree', which is a type of tree known for its large size and aerial roots.

यह एक बड़ का पेड़ है।

This is a banyan tree.

The word 'बड़' here is used colloquially to mean 'great' or 'significant' in context.

वह बड़ दिन था जब हमने शांति समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए।

That was a great day when we signed the peace agreement.

The word 'बड़' in this context is used as an adjective meaning 'elder' or 'senior', often to denote respect towards age or wisdom.

गांव के बड़ बुजुर्ग ने हमें समझाया।

The elder of the village gave us advice.