
This is the 636th most frequent Hindi word.

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The word "बदम" does not have a standard meaning in Hindi; it may be a misspelling or incomplete.

The word 'बदमाश' here means a mischievous or naughty person, used in a somewhat playful or reproachful sense.

वह बदमाश लड़का स्कूल में सबको परेशान करता है।

That naughty boy troubles everyone in the school.

The word 'बदम' signifies bad or harmful elements, used to resonate with a safer environment.

अंधेरी गली में कोई बदम मुक्त फीलिंग देता है।

The dark alley feels free from any ill elements.

Here, 'बदम' refers to 'evils' or negative behaviours, emphasizing moral or social contexts.

समाज में बदम निवृत्ति के लिए हमें मिलकर प्रयास करना चाहिए।

We should work together to eliminate evils from society.