
This is the 356th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "भगव" typically refers to "saffron" or "saffron-colored," symbolizing sanctity or sacrifice in Indian culture.

Here, 'भगव' is used as a proper noun, likely representing a person's name.

भगव गेंद को बहुत तेजी से फेंका।

Bhagav threw the ball very quickly.

In this sentence, 'भगव' refers to someone's name and implies a possessive context.

उसने भगव को सफलता दिलाने के उपाय सोचे।

They thought of methods to ensure Bhagav's success.

Here, again 'भगव' is treated as a name, emphasizing the subject in focus.

भगव पुस्तक को प्रेरणा का स्रोत मानते हैं।

Bhagav considers the book as a source of inspiration.