
This is the 639th most frequent Hindi word.

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The word "भड" does not have a clear meaning in Hindi and might be a misspelling or regional slang.

usage of the word 'भड' as a term with ambiguous meaning.

मुझे इस स्थिति में भड का मतलब समझ नहीं आ रहा।

I can't understand the meaning of 'भड' in this context.

usage of the word 'भड' as a metaphorical term for vividness or intensity.

उसने अपने अनुभवों का भड से वर्णन किया।

He described his experiences with 'भड' (metaphorically).

usage of the word 'भड' as an abstract concept causing awe or surprise.

भड ने मुझे हमेशा हैरान किया है।

'भड' has always amazed me.