
This is the 526th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "मछ" does not have a standard meaning or usage. It may be a typo or incomplete.

In this sentence, 'मछ' (machh) is used as a noun to refer to a fish, illustrating its presence in an aquatic environment.

नदी में मछ एक ताल बना रही है।

The fish is creating a ripple in the river.

Here, 'मछ' (machh) is metaphorically used to symbolize or represent the beauty and essence of the ocean.

इस कविता में प्रयोग किया गया मछ शब्द सागर की सुंदरता दर्शाता है।

In this poem, the word 'मछ' symbolizes the beauty of the sea.

In this sentence, 'मछ' is part of a cultural saying, reflecting its idiomatic role within language and cultural context.

गांव की कहावत में मछ वाली बानी ने मुझे बहुत प्रभावित किया।

The proverb of the village involving the word 'मछ' deeply influenced me.