
This is the 927th most frequent Hindi word.

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The word "मव" does not have a clear meaning in Hindi; it might be a typo or an abbreviation.

In this sentence, 'मव' is used as a proper noun representing the name of a person or entity.

1. मव मेरा पसंदीदा मित्र है।

1. Mav is my favorite friend.

Here, 'मव' is again being used as a subject's name, indicating an individual who performs an action.

2. गाँव में मव खेती करने जाता है।

2. In the village, Mav goes to do farming.

This sentence utilizes 'मव' in the context of a protagonist or main figure involved in the scene.

3. घर में मव को देखकर सभी खुश हो गए।

3. Everyone became happy upon seeing Mav at home.