
This is the 48th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "मह" means "month" or "moonlight" depending on context.

In this sentence, 'मह' refers to a fragrant smell or aroma that enhances the environment.

मह से वातावरण सुगंधित हो गया।

The scent made the environment fragrant.

Here, 'मह' signifies a special or distinct fragrance present in the weather.

आज मौसम में एक अद्भुत मह महसूस हो रही है।

Today, there is an extraordinary fragrance in the weather.

In this context, 'मह' denotes the pleasant aroma emanating from flowers.

फूलों की मह ने घर को महकाया।

The fragrance of the flowers perfumed the house.