This is the 6th most frequent Hindi word.

The Hindi word "ल" is the letter "L" in the Devanagari script, used as part of the Hindi alphabet.

Here, 'ल' appears in 'लड़का', meaning 'boy', as part of the noun. It signifies the starting letter of the word for the subject.

लड़का स्कूल जा रहा है।

The boy is going to school.

'ल' is the starting syllable of 'लड्डू', meaning 'sweets', and is used as part of a direct object in the sentence.

तुम लड्डू खाना पसंद करते हो।

You like eating sweets.

'ल' forms part of 'लेकर', derived from the verb 'लेना' (to take), indicating an action in the sentence.

मुझे लेकर चलो।

Take me along.