
This is the 123rd most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "शन" (Shan) refers to "Saturday" or denotes the planet Saturn in astrological contexts.

The word 'शनैः' is used here to indicate gradual progression.

उसे शनैः शनैः सफलता मिली।

He gradually achieved success.

The word 'शन' appears here in reference to the planet Saturn, common in astrological context.

ये कार्य शनवियोग के कारण रुका हुआ है।

This task is pending due to the absence of Saturn's influence.

The word 'शन-भर' in this context means a moment or a very short time, highlighting a measure of time.

उसने अपनी हरकतों का परिणाम शन-भर में समझ लिया।

He understood the consequences of his actions in a moment.