
This is the 325th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "सफ" is not complete or standard; it may be a typo or abbreviation. If you mean "सफ़र" (safar), it means "journey" or "travel."

The word 'सफ' is used to mean clear or straightforward, describing the clarity of letters.

किताब का शीर्षक सफ अक्षरों में लिखा है।

The book's title is written in clear letters.

Here, 'सफ' conveys certainty or confidence, emphasizing the clarity of understanding.

मुझे सफ पता है कि वह कल आएगा।

I am clearly certain that he will come tomorrow.

'सफ' in this context is used to denote cleanliness or tidiness.

इस कमरे का फर्श पूरी तरह से सफ है।

The floor of this room is entirely clean.