
This is the 69th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "सव" is not standard but might be a misspelling or abbreviation; it could be interpreted as "सर्व" (sarv), meaning "all" or "whole."

Here, 'सव' is used to mean 'all', referring to encompassing every occurrence or item.

सव काम समय पर करना चाहिए।

All tasks should be done on time.

In this usage, 'सव' is used to mean 'everyone', referring to all individuals in the context.

कक्षा में सव ने शिक्षक के निर्देश सुने।

In the class, everyone listened to the teacher's instructions.

Here, 'सव' is again used to mean 'everyone', indicating inclusiveness of people in a general discussion.

इस विषय पर सव चर्चा कर चुके हैं।

Everyone has already discussed this topic.