
This is the 403rd most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "हड" generally refers to "bone" in English.

Here 'हड' conveys the sense of stubbornness or persistence when used with 'धर्मिता' to form 'हड-धर्मिता'.

उसने हर दिन हार मानने से इंकार किया, यह उसकी हड-धर्मिता को दर्शाता है।

He refused to give up every day, highlighting his stubbornness.

Here, 'हड' is used anatomically to refer to the physical structure of the spine.

उसे इतनी मेहनत करनी पड़ी कि उसकी पीठ की हड में दर्द हो गया।

He had to work so hard that his spine started hurting.

In this sentence, 'हड' is referring to the frame or outer structure of the glasses.

मेरे पुराने चश्मे की हड टूट गई, इसलिए मुझे नया खरीदना पड़ा।

The frame of my old glasses broke, so I had to buy a new one.