
This is the 592nd most frequent Hungarian word.

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"Fogják" is the 3rd person plural definite future tense of "fog," meaning "they will hold" or "they will take" (depending on context).

Here, 'fogják' is used as an auxiliary verb in the future tense conjugated for 'they', indicating an action that is going to happen.

A jövő héten fogják javítani az utat.

Next week they will repair the road.

In this sentence, 'fogják' is used to indicate a current or near-future action of them catching fish, emphasizing urgency or immediacy.

Az erdőben halászni szoktak, de most fogják a halakat.

They usually fish in the forest, but now they are catching the fish.

Here 'fogják' signifies a future action, denoting their planned explanation upon your arrival.

Ha odaérsz, fogják neked elmagyarázni az egész rendszert.

When you arrive, they will explain the entire system to you.