
This is the 56th most frequent Hungarian word.

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"Idén" means "this year" in English.

Idén is used here as a topic marker indicating the current year, emphasizing the event occurring during this specific annual period.

Idén meglátogatjuk a nagyszüleinket a vidéken.

This year, we will visit our grandparents in the countryside.

Idén is used to specify the theater season being described as belonging to the current year.

A színházi szezon idén nagyon ígéretes előadásokkal kecsegtet.

This year's theater season promises very promising performances.

Idén is utilized to establish the time frame of observation or comparison, focusing on the events of the current year.

Idén sokkal több napsütéses nap volt eddig, mint tavaly.

So far this year, there have been significantly more sunny days than last year.