
This is the 995th most frequent Hungarian word.

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The Hungarian word "méter" means "meter" in English, a unit of length in the metric system.

Here, 'méter' is used in its primary meaning as a unit of length for measuring distance.

Az iskolától a házunkig pontosan háromszáz méter.

From the school to our house, it is precisely three hundred meters.

In this sentence, 'méter' describes the length attribute of an object.

A három méter hosszú deszkát kettévágtuk.

We cut the three-meter-long plank in half.

Here, 'méter' refers to the concept of the meter as an established measurement unit in the metric system.

A méter szabványos mértékegység a hosszúság mérésére.

The meter is a standard unit of measurement for length.