
This is the 843rd most frequent Hungarian word.

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"Ukrajnát" is the accusative form of "Ukrajna," meaning "Ukraine" in English.

Here, 'Ukrajnát' is again in the accusative case, associated with the noun phrase 'Ukrajnát emlegetni,' referring to Ukraine being the topic directly mentioned.

Hallottál már Ukrajnát emlegetni a hírekben?

Have you ever heard Ukraine mentioned in the news?

In this example, 'Ukrajnát' is in the accusative case, forming part of the adverbial participle phrase 'Ukrajnát felfedezve' (while exploring Ukraine), indicating the activity taking place relative to Ukraine.

Az utazás során gyönyörű helyekre bukkantunk Ukrajnát felfedezve.

During the journey, we discovered beautiful places while exploring Ukraine.

In this sentence, 'Ukrajnát' is in the accusative case, used as the direct object of the verb 'Látogattuk' (we visited), indicating the country being visited.

Látogattuk Ukrajnát tavaly nyáron.

We visited Ukraine last summer.