
This is the 11th most frequent Hungarian word.

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"Van" means "is" or "exists" in English.

In this sentence, 'van' indicates the location of the car, expressing existence or placement.

Az autó piros színű, és a garázsban van.

The car is red and is in the garage.

In this context, 'van' is used in the negative form 'nincs' to express the absence of an object (bread).

A probléma az, hogy nálunk soha nincs elég kenyér, mert mindig elfogy.

The problem is that we never have enough bread, because it always runs out.

Here, 'van' expresses a state or characteristic related to Peter.

Péter nagyon ügyes, és mindig tisztességes van az üzletben.

Peter is very skilled and is always fair in business.