
This is the 665th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"**Aldar**" is the genitive singular form of "öld," meaning "of a century" or "of an age."

Here, "öld" is used in the singular dative form ("öld" -> "öldin" -> "á öld") to denote the time period of a century.

Það hefur verið mikil þróun á þessari öld.

There has been significant development in this century.

In this sentence, "aldar" appears in the genitive singular form to indicate possession or relation, pointing out the particular century the history pertains to.

Hann er að rannsaka sögu nítjándu aldar.

He is studying the history of the nineteenth century.

Here, the word "aldar" is employed in the genitive singular form as a descriptor for belonging or impact related to the current century.

Við skulum skoða áhrif þessarar aldar á samfélag okkar.

Let us observe the impact of this century on our society.