
This is the 68th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Alla" in Icelandic means "all" or "everyone," depending on context.

The word "alla" here is used to mean 'everyone' in the accusative case plural, referring to the people in the house who are affected by the action.

Hann vakti alla í húsinu.

He woke everyone in the house.

The word "alla" here is used to indicate 'all' in the accusative case plural referencing the places, aligned as the objects of the sentence.

Við skoðuðum alla staðina í borginni.

We visited all the places in the city.

The word "alla" here is used to denote 'all' in the accusative case plural referring to the books, which is a direct object in the sentence.

Ég er með alla bækurnar.

I have all the books.