
This is the 162nd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"April" (the fourth month of the year).

The word 'apríl' is used as a proper noun referring to the month of April.

Fyrsti dagur apríl er oft notaður fyrir létta skrúðsíningu.

The first day of April is often used for light-hearted pranking.

Here, 'apríl' indicates the time period of the month of April.

Í apríl byrjar oft að hlýna eftir kaldan vetur.

In April, it often begins to warm up after a cold winter.

In this sentence, 'apríl' is used within the compound word 'aprílmánuði', emphasizing the context of the month.

Hún fæddist í aprílmánuði, svo við héldum veislu.

She was born in the month of April, so we had a celebration.