
This is the 503rd most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Atkvæðum" means "votes" or "syllables" in English, depending on context.

In this sentence, 'atkvæðum' is used in the dative plural to refer to votes in a decision-making process.

Það var greitt um málið með atkvæðum.

The matter was decided by votes.

Here, 'atkvæði' is in the form of a plural noun in the accusative case, representing the items being counted.

Hún telur mörg atkvæði á dag.

She counts many votes per day.

'Atkvæða' is in the genitive plural case, indicating possession or association with 'further'.

Orð þessa máls segja allt án fleiri atkvæða.

The words of this case say it all without further votes.