
This is the 734th most frequent Icelandic word.


The Icelandic word "aukinni" means "increased" or "augmented" (feminine dative singular form).

The term "aukinni" here describes the increased popularity using the dative case to agree with "vinsældum" (popularity).

Íslenskur matur hefur notið aukinni vinsældum.

Icelandic food has enjoyed increased popularity.

Used in the dative case, "aukinni" describes "tækni" (technology), suggesting technological improvement.

Forsendur aukinni tækni eru mikil rannsóknarvinna.

Advancement in technology is enabled by significant research work.

The word "aukinni" modifies "reynslu" (experience) in the dative case to indicate 'increased' experience.

Með aukinni reynslu kemur sjálfsöryggi.

With increased experience comes self-confidence.