
This is the 291st most frequent Icelandic word.

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Measures, actions, or operations.

In this context, 'aðgerðir' means 'measures', referring to actions or steps taken to achieve a specific goal.

Aðgerðirnar sem ríkisstjórnin tók voru til þess að draga úr mengun.

The measures taken by the government were aimed at reducing pollution.

Here, 'aðgerðir' denotes 'procedures', specifically medical operations performed to address a health issue.

Læknirinn framkvæmdi flókinar aðgerðir til að bjarga lífi sjúklingsins.

The doctor performed complex procedures to save the patient's life.

In this usage, 'aðgerðir' means 'actions', referring to specific activities or behaviors undertaken by individuals or groups.

Umhverfisverndarsamtökin mótmæltu aðgerðum fyrirtækisins sem gætu skaðað náttúruna.

The environmental organizations protested against the actions of the company that could harm nature.