
This is the 810th most frequent Icelandic word.

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Parties or participants.

Aðilar refers to 'members or participants', specifically those involved in a meeting.

Aðilar fundarins samþykktu tillöguna.

The parties of the meeting approved the proposal.

Aðilar signifies 'entities or organizations', focusing on their collective decision-making.

Í staðinn fyrir dífinn bjóða aðilar nú heilbrigðisskoðun.

Instead of a rebate, the parties now offer a health check.

Aðilar is used here to describe 'parties or entities', specifically those in a labor market context.

Aðilar vinnumarkaðarins sömdu um nýjan kjarasamning.

The labor market parties negotiated a new collective agreement.