
This is the 395th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "aðrar" means "other" or "others" in English (feminine plural form).

Here, 'aðrar' translates as 'other' and describes additional or different paths or ways.

Það eru margar aðrar leiðir til að ná þessu marki.

There are many other ways to achieve this goal.

In this sentence, 'aðrar' again means 'other' and is applied to signify novels that are different from previously chosen ones.

Hún velur alltaf aðrar skáldsögur til að lesa í hverjum mánuði.

She always chooses other novels to read every month.

In this context, 'aðrar' means 'other' and is used to describe alternative or different ideas.

Við höfum aðrar hugmyndir um hvernig þetta verkefni ætti að fara fram.

We have other ideas about how this project should proceed.