
This is the 613th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "bjó" is the past tense of the verb "búa," meaning "lived" or "resided."

'Bjó' is used as the past tense of the verb 'búa' meaning 'to live' in the sense of residing in a place.

Ég bjó í Reykjavík í fimm ár.

I lived in Reykjavík for five years.

'Bjó' here is used as the past tense of 'búa til', a phrasal verb meaning 'to create' or 'to make' something.

Hún bjó til fallegt málverk.

She created a beautiful painting.

'Bjó' is employed as the past tense of the expression 'búa til', indicating 'to prepare' or 'set up' for an event.

Hann bjó allt til fyrir veisluna.

He prepared everything for the party.