
This is the 324th most frequent Icelandic word.

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"Reached" or "were received" (past tense of the verb "berast").

The word 'bárust' is used in the past tense to express that an occurrence (here, 'Tíðindin' - the news) reached or spread to a location. It is a verb form.

Tíðindin bárust um allan bæ.

The news spread throughout the town.

Here, 'bárust' indicates the delayed arrival of something (messages - 'Skeytin') at a destination. It continues to be a verb form referring to the event of reception or arrival.

Skeytin bárust seint vegna veðurs.

The messages arrived late due to weather.

In this question, 'bárust' is used to inquire if complaints ('kvartanir') have been received or reported, showcasing its application in a query format.

Bárust einhverjar kvartanir um þjónustuna?

Did any complaints regarding the service arrive?