
This is the 739th most frequent Icelandic word.

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The Icelandic word "báta" is the accusative or genitive plural form of "bátur," which means "boats" in English.

Here, 'báta' is the plural form of the word 'boat' (bátur) in the accusative case, used because it is the object of the action 'að sjá' (to see).

Við fórum niður að sjá báta á bryggjunni.

We went down to see the boats at the dock.

In this sentence, 'báta' is again the plural accusative case of 'bátur', used as the direct object of the verb 'að mála' (to paint).

Þeir eru að mála báta sína.

They are painting their boats.

Here, 'báta' is the plural accusative form of 'bátur' as it is the object of the verb 'að selja' (to sell).

Fyrirtækið selur notaða báta.

The company sells used boats.